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General Election to Lok Sabha 2024 Postal Ballot Form 12 & Form 12 D

The Election Commission of India offers postal voting for senior voters above 80 years in Coimbatore.

Postal voting is also available for differently abled voters and those affected or suspected of Covid-19.

Voters have the option to choose between postal voting and voting at the polling booth.

House-to-house surveys will be conducted by polling station officials to register interested eligible voters.

Submitting Form 12D allows polling officers to come to the voter’s home for postal voting.

Voters who choose postal voting via Form 12D cannot vote at the polling booth.

Click here to download forms from government website

Form 12D – Preview

[see rule 27-C]
Letter of intimation to Assistant Returning Officer
(for absentee voters)
The Assistant Returning Officer,
(for the notified class of electors)
………………………………….. Parliamentary/Assembly constituency
…………………………………… (designation and address of ARO)
I,…………….son/daughter/wife of ………..resident of ……………..village/mohalla………… Town/city/tehsil…………District………………(State) belong to the class of absentee voter and wish to cast my vote by post at the election to the House of the People/Legislative Assembly from the ………………….Parliamentary/Assembly constituency.
My complete present postal address is as under:-
House/dwelling unit/tent number…………………….
State………………PIN CODE…………..
Mobile Phone No. (if available)………………….
My name is entered at serial number……………….in part No……………….of the electoral roll for……………………………………………….Parliamentary/Assembly constituency.
I am working as………………………………….(designation of the office held) in…………….
(Name and full address of organization).
I will be on duty in the above-mentioned office on the day of poll for the above-mentioned election.
*On account of my official duties on the date of poll, I will not be in a position to be present in the polling station assigned to me on the day of poll.
*I am……………..years of age/am a person with disability, and am not in a position to go to the polling station to cast vote.
It is requested that postal ballot paper may be issued to me as absentee voter for the above election.
Yours faithfully,
(Full name and signature)
(for absentee voter other than senior citizen or persons with disability)
Certificate by the nodal officer appointed by the Organization concerned.
It is hereby certified that the particulars given by the applicant in Part I are correct, and it is further certified that the applicant will be on official duty on the day of poll, and he/she will not be in a position to be present in the polling station on the day of poll.
(full signature of the attesting Officer)
……………………….(rubber stamp)

  • Strike off whichever is not applicable and tick the relevant statement.
    Note- This Application must reach RO within 5 days following the date of notification of election.

Form 12 – Preview

[FORM 12]
[See rules 19 and 20]
Letter of Intimation to Returning Officer
The Returning Officer
Assembly Constituency
I intend to cast my vote by post at the ensuing election to the Legislative Assembly from
the ……………………………………………………………………….. Assembly Constituency.
My name is entered at S. No…………………… in Part No……………….. of the electoral roll for
……………………………………… Assembly Constituency. My EPIC No. is ………………………………………………….
The ballot paper may be sent to me at the following address:-
Yours faithfully,

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